Spring is my favourite time of the year. In May everyone seems to wake up and suddenly all kinds of spontaneous things like concerts, after-parties and jam session in the park start to happen. Everything is still under control because no one is on summer vacation yet. It's like secretly tasting the summer a bit before you are actually allowed to and that makes it so great. I've also woken up after the winter. I want to sit in the parks and dance and jam all the time. Also I've got such amazing power boosts lately and after the last post about my boring and grey week at home, I want to share them with you! H I R I N G A C A R A B R O A D ENKEL was touring in Denmark last week. I hired us a car. I drove the car. At one point I realised how amazing I felt for the facts that I knew my way around somewhere that is not my home country, knew how to hire a car and had no problem to drive it, knew what's the best place for a pit stop and what's the best vegetarian option on the local fast food chain menu. I enjoy driving a car but I don't have one so I don't really drive often. To be honest I mostly get to drive when I'm out gigging abroad. My band mates have started to call The Immortal European Driver. Booooom!!! D O I N G M Y T A X I really didn't want to do it and I tried to avoid it. Up until I started and remembered I actually enjoy writing down numbers and counting. And that I know my way around it. Bye bye tax form, see you in a year. Booooom! E A T I N G C A K E B E F O R E L U N C H I really like a traditional Finnish cream cake. My sister had her birthday and I found some leftovers in my mom's fridge. And I ate it before lunch. Based on my empirical research timing is everything: the cake tastes best as the first thing in the morning or before lunch when you are hungry. One of the best things in being an adult is that you actually can use the chance to enjoy your cake the most. G E T T I N G A F U N D I N G I applied funding for Floating Sofa Quartet's Sofa Songs project a couple of months ago. We are going to make a live music video series with Nordic singers. Two weeks ago I was hungover drinking bad (weak) coffee at Norwegian hotel breakfast and I got an email that Nordic Culturepoint had decided to award our application a grant. I wasn't sitting and drinking my coffee anymore, I ran around and called my friends. Making music is great but being also able to write a funding application that gets through is freaking great! R I D I N G M Y B I K E I haven't been cycling that much for the last couple of years. I used to and it's great. Now I've managed to start and I've already rode almost 100 kilometers. It feels awesome! I don't think these things would feel so great if I didn't do the for something else. Playing gigs and making music is great, so if I was just hiring and driving a car randomly I don't think I'd enjoy it this much. Then I'd rather take a train and read a good book to use the time well. But when it's for a good purpose, like getting to Danish countryside playing one of the best gigs ever, that's what makes it double great. Also it's amazing to realise how many normal you have learned to do that you didn't even know about! Like for example hiring a car. :) Thanks for reading! I'd love to hear what has made you feel powerful lately! Comment and share, I'll be back. And go to the park enjoy the sun, it's great!
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LEIJA LAUTAMAJAA lifestyle blog about a life of a professional folk musician. ARCHIVE
October 2019